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We take great pride at creating our own unique curriculum which is specifically designed to meet the interests and aspirations of the school community, embrace the locality of the school setting and to provide children with a broad range of learning opportunities whilst also ensuring all statutory coverage is met. We believe in incorporating children as part of the curriculum design process, teachers are further empowered to ensure learning excites, hooks, inspires and engages children. 


Our Curriculum Overview

Here is an overview of our topic titles and enquiry questions for this year's curriculum. 


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

I’m a Grasshopper…Get Me Out of Here!

From Paris…With Love

Rotten Romans

Weather vs. Climate

Vile or Victorious?

Walk like an Egyptian

How does Australia compare to the UK?

What is the impact of tourism on France?

How did the Romans change Britain?

What impact does climate have on the world?

How did the Victorian era change Britain?

What is the impact of the Ancient Egyptian civilization  on the world today?


The documents listed below will provide you with further information regarding our curriculum for 2023-2024. You will be able to find our Long Term Plan which details the areas of focus across the year. Our Learning Overviews show the curriculum coverage for each term and our Knowledge Organisers provide you with key knowledge and learning we expect the children to acquire during the term.  You will also be able to view the end of year expectations for Reading, Writing and Mathematics for each year group. 

End of Year Expectations

Long Term Plan 23-24

Statutory Spellings

If you want to find out more information about our whole school curriculum, including the intent, implementation and impact, please click here