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  • Computing Week

    Thu 11 Feb 2016 Mrs Burlton

    This week, the children have been celebrating the world of computers by learning a range of new skills. Ducklings have used ipads to create pictures using paint.  Robin class have been learning how to send emails and using positional language within the program Logo. Eagles have designed their own programs using a character, a car and an animal and give each a specific action to do using their new coding skills.  Owl class have learning how to use Publisher to create leaflets. To complement all these new skills, the children have also been reminded of the importance of online safety. The whole school had a big focus on the benefits of using the internet but how we can keep ourselves safe whilst using it. 

  • Chinese New Year

    Wed 10 Feb 2016 Mrs Dunn

    A key British value is to have a good understanding, respect and tolerance of other religions and cultures and as part of this we decided to celebrate Chinese New year. We had a wonderful time dancing, singing, doing arts and crafts as well as eating fortune cookies (which we later found out aren't actually a Chinese tradition). We were joined for the day by Yao who is from the Yangtze province in the south of China. Yao spent time in each class teaching us how she celebrates New Year. With her help, we also had a bit of a go at saying some of the Zodiac animals in Cantonese. Gong Xi Fa Cai!
