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  • Pond Restoration

    Mon 28 Oct 2019 Mrs Burlton

    Over the half term break, our pond at the bottom of the field was renovated as part of Natural England's District Level Licensing Scheme for Great Crested Newts (a European Protected Species).


    The project is funded through housing developers who are paying for pond creation/restoration work in areas with known records of Great Crested Newt to mitigate for the destruction of habitat on their development sites.


    High Halden Primary School is within a core area – in other words Great Crested Newts have been found here at some point in the past.


    Natural England like to create or restore ponds in clusters (usually within 250m of each other) so they can provide stepping stones for these newts to move around more easily and breed. Although Great Crested Newts are not rare, their suitable habitat is becoming more and more depleted; they also prefer deeper, larger ponds compared to Smooth and Palmate newts.


    The work was carried out by a local company based between High Halden and Woodchurch:FGS Pilcher


    The partnership officer, Sarah Harrington-James will be returning in the Spring to help the children plant the pond area and learn more about Great Crested Newts. 

  • Harvest Festival

    Fri 04 Oct 2019 Mrs Burlton

    On Friday 4th October, we gave thanks for the harvest at our annual service in St Mary's Church. Our Year 6 Worship Leaders, ran the service with the help of Bumble Bees who sang and danced to Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. Butterflies sang 'Fruitas', in Spanish. Grasshoppers wrote a class prayer and Dragonflies explained the importance of harvest and how we should share with other. The church was decorated with the children's art work, which looked stunning. 


    Following our service, our Year 6 children prepare harvest hampers which they delivered to members of our local community. Due to the generous donations of our families, we will also be donating produce to the Family Food bank in Ashford. 
