School Logo

After School Clubs

Parents/Carers Information Re: School Clubs

  • Children will be accepted on a first come first served basis. 
  • If a club is oversubscribed we will keep a waiting list. 



  • A club booking form will be sent out to all parents/carers each seasonal term (Autumn, Spring, Summer) confirming when the clubs will start and end.
  • The school office will notify parents if the school club is oversubscribed.  
  • A minimum subscription of 5 pupils will be required for each club; if the minimum number of pupils is not reached then the club will not run.
  • All school clubs are chargeable; the cost for the term will be noted on the club booking form. Payment in full for the whole term must be received in advance.



  • All club leaders will take a register before the club commences and any unexplained absences will be reported to the school office.
  • For safety purposes teachers will ensure that the children get to the relevant club.
  • If a child is unable to attend a session parents/carers should send a letter to the school office or if short notice, telephone the school office.



  • If a club has to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. a teacher is on a course; the school office will inform parents via the notice board in the school entrance, telephone or email.
  • If a child no longer wishes to attend a club held after school, parents/carers must write a letter to the school office who will notify the club leader.

