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Our School Day

Breakfast Club

We offer an early drop off facility. This is led by two of our support staff. Breakfast club starts at 8am, during this session the children are offered a range of options to enjoy (cereal, pancakes, toast, fruit and yoghurt) alongside some social time with their friends. Please contact the school office should you wish to book this facility. 


The school is open from 8:40am every morning, a member of our Senior Leadership Team will meet and greet the children through the gate and classrooms are open at this point. Class Teachers will welcome the children each day at the door. Registration is at 8.50am and children are expected to be in class at this time. The end of the school day is at 3.15pm.


Morning lessons

Typically in the morning each class will have dedicated sessions for phonics, reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG), maths and writing.


Morning break

Children have a morning break at 10:35am. Children in EYFS/KS1 are given a free piece of fruit or vegetables each day.  If any of the older children would like  snack at break time please choose a healthy snack e.g. fruit/vegetables. Please remember we are a nut free school. 


Lunch break

All classes start their lunch break at 12:15pm and finish 1.15pm.


The end of the school day

The end of the school day is 3.15pm and parents and carers collect their children from the school playground.


Drop-off and collection

At the beginning of the school day, parents drop their children at the school gate, any messages that need to be shared with the class teacher can be given to the school office or the member of staff who is supervising the gate. 


At the end of the day, parents are welcomed on to the school playground, where they get the chance to touch base with the class teacher if needed. This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school - staff are almost always available in the playground to help you with any queries. If normal arrangements have to be altered (e.g. you are delayed or another person is collecting your child) please let us know. This avoids any confusion or upset.


Parking at school

To get to and from school walking is definitely the healthier option however we understand this is not practical for everybody. If you need to drive to school, please ensure that you park safely and allow the traffic to flow on Church Hill. This ensures the space around the school is safe for everyone. Please do not enter the school car park as this is used by families to either leave the grounds or access the school office. 

