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Family Support

Family Support

Are you registered with the Children's Centres? They offer a range of courses, groups and advice. If not visit Get in touch to find out the groups and courses and events they are currently running or visit Facebook to keep up to date with all the news and events


Sure Steps Children's Centre-Ashford


Useful Telephone numbers

Health Visitors 01304 873590

Kent Baby Matters (breastfeeding) 0300 302 0223

NHS Direct 111

24 hour Domestic Violence helpline 0808 2000 247

NSPCC 24hr Child Protection line 0808 800 5000


There are lots of other places you can find information and advice about a wide range of issues and answer questions you may have.

NHS pregnancy and baby guide

More than 200 easy-to-read pages, detailed week-by-week guides and lots of expert videos, parents' tips and interactive tools to explore.

Family Lives

Find advice on all aspects of family life from bonding with your new baby, dealing with tantrums, positive discipline, sleep and eating.


The UK's largest parenting charity with lots of useful evidence based information.

Kent Baby Matters

Lists all of the breastfeeding groups, specialist breastfeeding clinics and peer support programme delivered out of the Children's Centres in Kent.

Born to Move

Born to move is an NHS app to help parents or carers with their newborn babies right up to pre-school age, it is available for both iphones and android.

Smarter Play

SmarterPlay is a new app providing families in Kent  with exclusive free access to a range of opportunities and facilities to support them in parenting their young children. It is available for both iphones andandroid.
