Mental Health
CAMHS resources
A really helpful website which includes, downloadable self-help activities, information guides, videos and more
Supporting your child during the coronavirus outbreak
Government guidance on supporting children and young people's mental health during the coronavirus
'Many ways to share a hug' - Social Story
Ten tips for talking to your child
How to tell children and young people that someone is seriously ill
A lovely, printable 14 day mindfulness activity challenge
My 2020 Covid-19 Time Capsule
A great printable resource for children
A coronavirus story
Dr Chris and Dr Xand are here to tell you why the coronavirus might not be as scary as it sounds.
Action for Happiness - Coping Calendar
Calming Activities, Mindfulness, Breathing, Yoga Videos and More...
Childline Calm-Zone
An activity for grounding and calming
Just Breathe
A video aimed at children to help them feel calmer
150 Sensory Learning Ideas
'100 positive things every kid needs to hear'
Apps for Wellbeing and Mental Health
A list of apps complied by Dorset Young Minds
Stop, Breathe and Think App
Check in with how you're feeling and try short activities tuned to your emotions
Smiling Mind App
A great app with age specific mindfulness resources, including a new resource, 'Thrive Inside'.
Thrive Inside is a special program to help you stay psychologically healthy while you're spending extended periods of time at home.
Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness App
This app often has a two week trial available
Helpful Articles
The discomfort you're feeling is grief
Telephone Helplines
Samaritans - Call 116 123 or email (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
If you need to talk to someone, the Samaritans can help- they offer emotional support and a listening ear 25 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is a freephone number that can even be called from a mobile that has no credit. Your call will not appear on the phone bill.
Childline - Call 0800 1111 (24 hours)
Comforts, advises and protects children 24 hours a day and offers free confidential counselling.
NSPCC Helpline - Call 0808 800 5000 or email
If you're worried about a child, even if you're unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support.
CALM Helpline - Call 0800 58 58 58
Confidential support for men, 7 days a week, 5pm to midnight, free
National Domestic Abuse Helpline - Call 0808 2000 247
Free, confidential, 24 hour helpline
Women's Aid - Live Chat
Information and support for women experiencing domestic violence
Mosaic family Support - Call 01258 837071
Supporting bereaved children
Winston's Wish - Call 08088 020021
Supports bereaved children, young people and their families