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Now Press Play

At High Halden, we have invested in a new piece of technology for our school called now>press>play. 


now>press>play is an immersive audio resource that engages primary school children in the curriculum through emotion, imagination and movement.


In a now>press>play Experience every child is given a pair of wireless headphones. Immersed in sound, they become the main character in a story, meeting people, discovering places and solving problems on an educational adventure they’ll never forget.


now>press>play can be used as a whole class activity or with smaller groups for intervention work. It is a fun and inclusive way to engage children in the curriculum.


Children can visit Ancient Greece, land on the moon, experience the Great Fire of London and even roam with dinosaurs!


You can find out more about this resource and listen to an extract on the website at




now press play

now press play fuses wireless technology, drama and sound to create unique educational experiences. Our recordings bring the curriculum to life and send chil...
