Religious Education
‘Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich,’
J.H. Oldham
As with all subjects within our curriculum, RE is underpinned by our school Christian values. As a school, we believe Religious Education has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural development.Through nurturing children’s intrinsic enquiry, pupils obtain an open-mindedness towards others with different faiths or beliefs whilst supporting them to develop their sense of identity and belonging. RE supports children’s self awareness and reflection when considering questions which religions and worldviews address, empowering children to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.
As a Church of England Primary School, we are proud of our Christian Ethos and place RE as a core subject within our curriculum. We follow the Canterbury Diocesan scheme of work which is based on the Kent Agreed Syllabus. The majority of our studies are Christianity focused, yet we hope that our studies have an impact beyond the classroom and empower children to embody our school values into all aspects of school life and beyond.
Our working walls show the journey of learning throughout a whole unit of work and enable pupils to interact and respond to key questions, ideas and beliefs. Pupil responses are either recorded on post it-notes, in thought bubbles or through illustrations.
Within each unit opportunities to develop spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues are often explored. Children are encouraged to think and discuss thought provoking topics, help develop speaking and listening skills whilst also encouraging children to be respectful of other people’s opinions, beliefs and practices. We draw upon a wider range of stimulus for RE including role play, hot seating, film clips, art, visitors, computers, music, poetry, the school environment, talk partners, artefacts and our local church-St Mary the Virgin’s to name but a few. We hope Religious Education at High Halden Primary School is enjoyable but also reflective, and is delivered in a variety of imaginative engaging ways in order to provide each child with the time and space to deepen their own understanding of God and appreciate something of how the Christian Community, both locally and nationally, responds to a busy complex world.