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Useful Websites:

BBC Bitesize KS1 -

BBC Bitesize KS2 -

Times Table Rockstars -



Based on a concrete-pictorial-abstract approachNumicon encourages children to explore maths using structured imagery and apparatus in order to understand and explain mathematical concepts. Make the most of manipulatives or mastery by using Numicon resources.



Dienes are wooden or plastic cubes, rods and flats used to support children basic maths. Dienes are used by students when learning mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, number sense and place value.



The Rekenrek combines features of the number line, counters, and base-10 models. It is comprised of two strings of ten beads each, strategically broken into two groups: five red beads, and five white beads. In school we use 20 bead and 100 bead Rekenreks. 


We understand that many parents feel like maths has changed and that it’s sometimes difficult to keep up to date with modern teaching methods. Well don’t worry, White Rose Maths are here to help, they have teamed up with Michael Underwood and created some video resources to support families. 
