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  • Celebration of Education

    Thu 08 Oct 2015 Mrs Burlton
    On Wednesday 7th October, a group of children visited St Mildred's Church in Tenterden to celebrate education! They took part in a range of activities linked to core British Values. During they day they also had the chance to paint the Union  Jack, make paper boats and develop their cricket skills. After the events, Reverend Canon Lindsay Hammond and Bishop Trevor led a church service which was attended by the children and their parents. A fun day was had by all. 
  • Football Tournament

    Thu 08 Oct 2015 Mr Heath


    John Mayne vs Hawkhurst (2-0)                         

    John Mayne vs Hawkhurst (0-1)


    Hawkhurst vs High Halden (0-2)                         

    Hawkhurst vs High Halden (0-0)


    High Halden vs John Mayne (0-0)                 

    High Halden vs John Mayne (1-1)



    The tournament was played on a lovely sunny morning with each team bringing an enthusiastic and motivated team. Each team got better as their games progressed with better use of space and teamwork as the morning went on. There were not lots of goals but this led to close games. The overall competition was decided on total goals scored, following 4 games each there was a draw for 1st place with both John Mayne and High Halden scoring 3 goals.

  • European Day of Languages

    Thu 01 Oct 2015 Mrs Burlton

    We had a wonderful time celebrating the different languages of Europe last Friday. We kick started the celebrations with a French breakfast which we all enjoyed together. We ate brioche and croissants whilst drinking hot chocolate from a bowl! Of course the children asked for what they wanted in French. 


    After break, the school received an exciting video message form a Spanish boy called Pedro. His family are thinking of moving to High Halden so we wrote him letters explaining what life is like in England. 


    In the afternoon, Robins got really messy making fresh pasta, it was great fun! They also made some pasta necklaces whilst listen to Italian music. 

    We ended the day on a high when we all followed instructions in Spanish and made Sangria. We really celebrated how fantastic it is to live in Europe, surrounded by different languages and cultures.
